Contact Us
Step 1
Learn about DHOAS
Steps to DHOAS benefits
Legislative framework
DHOAS presentation and fact sheets
Fringe Benefits Tax
Our quality service
Previous schemes DHOS and DSH
Switching from DHOS/DSH to DHOAS
Defence Home Owner Scheme (DHOS)
Defence Service Homes (DSH)
Defence Service Homes Insurance (DSHI) benefit
Step 2
Qualify and accrue credit
Steps to DHOAS eligibility
Qualifying period
Service credit
Service milestones and subsidy tier levels
Separation, medical/death, surviving partners
Breaks in service/Rejoining ADF
Important information - Reserve service
Exemption from effective service
Step 3
Apply for certificate
Completing the form
Service records
Subsidy certificates
Reapplying and reassesments
Step 4
Take out a DHOAS loan
Home Loan Providers
Construction loans
Multiparty loans, eligible partners
Conditions of DHOAS home loan
Meeting your mortgage obligations
Switching from DHOS/DSH home loan to a DHOAS loan
Making changes to your DHOAS loan
Home buyers help
Step 5
Meet conditions
Complete Subsidy Authorisation Request Form
Conditions of receiving subsidy
Obligation to meet conditions
Policing conditions
Step 6
Calculate subsidy
Steps to calculate subsidy
Your eligible subsidy tier
Subsidised loan limits
DHOAS home loan balance and subsidy
Formula for calculating subsidy
Lump sum
Changes to monthly subsidy amount
Defence Home Owner Scheme $80,000 limit
Interest rates, subsidy tiers and values
Interest rate changes and subsidy - 2008-09 subsidy tier limits
Interest rate changes and subsidy - 2009-10 subsidy tier limits
Interest rate changes and subsidy - 2010-11 subsidy tier limits
Interest rate changes and subsidy - 2011-12 subsidy tier limits
Interest rate changes and subsidy - 2012-13 subsidy tier limits
Interest rate changes and subsidy - 2013-14 subsidy tier limits
Interest rate changes and subsidy - 2014-15 subsidy tier limits
Interest rate changes and subsidy - 2015-16 subsidy tier limits
Interest rate changes and subsidy - 2016-17 subsidy tier limits
Interest rate changes and subsidy - 2017-18 subsidy tier limits
Interest rate changes and subsidy - 2018-19 subsidy tier limits
Interest rate changes and subsidy - 2019-20 subsidy tier limits
Interest rate changes and subsidy - 2020-21 subsidy tier limits
Interest rate changes and subsidy - 2021-22 subsidy tier limits
Interest rate changes and subsidy - 2022-23 subsidy tier limits
Interest rate changes and subsidy - 2023-24 subsidy tier limits
Interest rate changes and subsidy - 2024-25 subsidy tier limits
Interest rate changes and subsidy - $80,000 subsidy tier limit
Step 7
Start payments
Timing of payments
Payment amount fluctuations
Avoid paying back subsidy
Loan closure and final subsidy payment
End of service credit and subsidy payments
Restarting payments
Step 8
Advise of changes
Changes to be reported
Subsidy ceasing events
Step 1
Learn about DHOAS
Steps to DHOAS benefits
Steps to DHOAS benefits
Steps to DHOAS benefits fact sheet
Steps to DHOAS subsidy
Apply for DHOAS
Subsidy amount calculator
Authorise subsidy to start
Insurance benefit - DSHIS
Forms and fact sheets